Syndicate Items

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Here is a list of equipment that antagonists may use for their nefarious plans. Rest assured that in the case of death the crew will probably loot half this stuff off of your corpse before security can stop them!

Material Type Flags
Item Name Cost Contents Function Traitors? Spy/Thieves? Revolutionaries? Surplus Crates?
Ammo: FOSS Laser Flashbulbs 1 Box contains 6 bulbs. Spare ammunition for FOSS laser guns.
Ammo: Modular Pistol Rounds 1 Ten bullets (at 22 damage each) Standard, cheap rounds available conveniently.
Ammo: AP Pistol Rounds 2 Ten armor-piercing bullets (at 35 damage each) Aside from piercing armor, these bullets also do more damage to cyborgs than regular rounds.
Ammo: Modular Shotgun Buckshot 2 Ten rounds (at 70 damage each) Powerful, but don't pierce armor.
Ammo: Rad Poison Crossbow Bolts 3 10 bolts (inflict radiation poisoning) Bolts are shot (but not reloaded) silently and can be shot through walls.