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m (→‎Poisons and Toxic Shit: seems pretty rad)
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|- id="Chlorine Azide Hint"
|Chlorine Azide||6||How is chlorine azide basically made in real life? ||data-sort-value="1"|Elementary||Explodes ''the moment it's created'', stabilizing agent or not. It won't breach through the floor or blow down a wall, but it can certainly take out the chem dispenser.|| There's a reason the code for its recipe has the comment "death 2 chemists". You might stumble upon it accidentally when mixing lots of random basic chems together.
|- id="Crabby Party Secret Formula Hint"
|Crabby Party Secret Formula||4||100% Sea Weed||data-sort-value="1"|Easiest||Creates a Party Crab on synthesis|| He's having a great time. are you having a great time?
|- id="Crime Hint"
|Crime||5|| A bunch of things assistants might like. ||data-sort-value="5.5"|Average-Hard||Allows you to remove things from people five times faster. Wow. || Become the world's speediest shoe thief.
|- id="Deep Fried Dabs Hint"
|Deep Fried Dabs||2|| It's all in the name. ||data-sort-value="2"|Easy||Forces you to dab. Wow. || How do you do, fellow kids?
|- id="Pure Dabs Hint"
|Pure Dabs||4|| Starts out extremely potent and extra greasy; needs to be cleansed before it's safe to consume. ||data-sort-value="5"|Medium|| Makes you a master in the art of dabbing. || Not that that's anything to be proud of
|- id="Extreme Dabs Hint"
|Extreme Dabs||5|| EXTREME!! ||data-sort-value="7"|Extreme|| Your dabs will rock the station. And also likely kill you. || It's probably what you deserve, anyways.
|- id="Disguiseium Hint"
|Disguiseium || 5 || What chems make things look like other things? || data-sort-value = "5.5"|Average-Hard||A complicated chemical. When made it will make the second most common reagent in a container look like the most common reagent. However, its effects will not be changed. || You'll never trust a reagent scanner again.
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|- id="Initropidril Hint"
|Initropidril||7||The biggest challenge. Only the most worldly spaceman should even attempt it. Requires triplepiss.||data-sort-value="8"|Heart-stopping||See [[#Poisons_and_Toxic_Shit|Poisons and Toxic Shit]].||It can take a while to make, but it's worth the trouble since [[Syndicate Items#Poison Bottle|traitor poison bottles]] can be a crapshoot.
|- id="Juggernaut Hint
|Juggernaut||5||A pain-killing and injury-treating concoction.||data-sort-value="3"|Easy||A potent painkiller that negates a significant amount of walkspeed loss from being hurt, with the additional special effect of absorbing and healing a portion of brute and burn damages taken between life cycles. Hits the user with the absorbed damage as it leaves their system. <br>OVERDOSE - Confused movement, dropping held items, stuns, forgetting how to breathe. ||The damage-absorbing capabilities get less effective the more damage it has absorbed and the longer it has been present in your system. Has a slightly less-than-average depletion rate but also a low overdose threshold and fairly debilitating overdose effects. Bad side-effects occur if it's in your system for far too long.
|- id="Kerosene Hint"
|Kerosene||6||You'll likely need some catalysts and heat for the reaction. Do some research on Thermochemical synthesis and whatever comes to mind first for Synthesis of High Density Aviation Fuel... but maybe take a less organic route.||data-sort-value="7"|Difficult||Makes nice and pretty fireballs, like welding fuel, except without the "small explosion with enough fuel" and "makes people burn more when doused with it" bits. ||It's SS13 jet fuel. Has an...interesting (and rather memetic) reaction with certain alloys.
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